Rogun Hydro Project

in Aral Sea Basin, Tajikistan

335 metres

the tallest dam in the world


expected number of displaced people

Tajikistan and the International Development Association Sign Grant Agreement to finance the Rogun hydropower project

On January 18, Tajikistan and the International Development Association (IDA) signed four grant agreements. The grant agreements were signed in Dushanbe by the Minister of Finance of Tajikistan Fayziddin Kahhorzoda, and the World Bank Country Manager for Tajikistan Ozan Sevimli.

The first financing agreement is a technical assistance to finance the Rogun hydropower project. The aim of the project is to develop a financing structure and commercial basis for the Rogun HPP project, increase environmental and social sustainability, increase transparency and support the implementation of the Rogun HPP program of interests. The total cost of technical assistance is 11.7 million special drawing rights, equivalent to $15 million.

The second financing agreement is a project to support the policy of stable and sustainable development of Tajikistan. The goal of the project is to support the government of Tajikistan policy of stable and sustainable development by improving the conditions for private sector investment, increasing the efficiency, transparency and accountability of the public sector, including state-owned enterprises, as well as strengthening social and environmental resilience to crisis situations. The total cost of the project is 39 million special drawing rights, equivalent to $50 million.

The third funding agreement is additional funding for a project to improve the sustainability of agriculture. The main goal of the project is to strengthen the foundation of a sustainable agriculture sector and support emergency intervention to address food problems in Tajikistan. The total cost of the project is 39 million special drawing rights, equivalent to $50 million.

The fourth agreement is an offer of prepayment for the preparation of a project for the construction of a private solar power plant in the Sughd region. The main purpose of the prepayment is to prepare a feasibility study for the project, a report on the impact of the project on the environment and social environment, transaction advisory services and basic project qualifications. As part of the agreement, $1.5 million is provided as an advance payment.

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